
A satisfied customer is a loyal customer

Both current and future managers of golf courses, must involved actively in implementing a policy of customer service in accordance with the characteristics of each club.

A good tool when developing our quality strategy is creativity, exclusively oriented to improve the welfare of our members and customers during their stay in our course.

As we said in the header, a satisfied customer is a loyal customer; and we can consider that a customer is loyal when he returns to consume our services.

But ... how can we retain our customer? Through a personalized and efficient service by all the team involved in the service delivery, which be able to add value to their experience.

Currently, some golf courses try to implement a quality system as a tool for internal organization of the company and to achieve excellence in all customer services.

The golf courses already have a specific quality standard, the "Q" de Calidad Turística, representing the quality in the Spanish tourism sector.

The aim must be show to our customers the excellence level of service, the commitment to quality and with the environment.

Establishments endorsed by the "Q de Calidad" have passed strict audits to ensure the quality, safety and professionalism in their service to assure customers the best possible experience.

With an organized system of work, we define clearly our know-how. This method defines the responsibility of everyone to do his task, promotes continuous improvement and consolidates the management process.

Cursos Gestión de Campos de Golf | info@cursogestioncamposgolf.com

Diseñado por Golfenred